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Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Test

Oxford Capacity Analysis (OCA) Test

The OCA Personality Test and complimentary results consultation are absolutely free with no obligation—it’s simply a great opportunity to learn more about you.


Scientologists celebrate several major holidays annually. These include the birthday of L. Ron Hubbard (March 13); the date marking the initial publication of Dianetics (May 9); the anniversary of the maiden voyage of the Freewinds and what that vessel represents in the development of advanced spiritual levels of enlightenment in Scientology (June 6); Auditor’s Day, in honor of all auditors (second Sunday in September); the anniversary of the founding of the International Association of Scientologists, which unites, supports and protects the Scientology religion and Scientologists throughout the world (October 7); and New Year’s Eve (December 31).

To commemorate each of these occasions, the Church produces large international celebrations that are attended by thousands of parishioners and replayed to hundreds of thousands more in Churches, missions and groups all over the world. These celebrations are the primary means by which the Church’s leadership informs the worldwide congregation of the progress of the Scientology religion into society and plans for the future.

Additionally, Scientologists in particular geographic areas may observe their own significant dates, such as the founding of the Church in their country or city.

Scientologists also observe traditional national holidays and are additionally respectful of the religious holidays of all other religions.